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Showing posts from April, 2020


        When we think from head we probably think too much while making decisions. We analyze, we take in consideration all consequences and after thinking a lot on things, we dump that plan. We let the moment slip away. We always play safe in the life's game. We refuse to take risks, we worry about "what will happen if this fails?" We get confused and we left that puzzle in our brain unsolved.      But our heart inspires us to do things which we want to do eagerly. Heart don't plan the things, don't analyze them. Heart directly connects to our soul and the energy of soul never lie. It just says "you have to do it and you will." Heart solves that unsolved puzzle. Brain makes so many complex equations and creates so many obstacles in our intentions but, heart makes the things simple and sorted.     To make our life meladious it is important to have RHYTHM in heart and head.      While traveling on the life's path our heart and head should

"STORMS" inside us.

Life is Just like seesaw with so many ups and downs. It is full of good and bad things.  When things are going well we don't value the moments which we have. We always chase to earn more and more. But when the conditions are unfavourable then we get to know that we lost so many priceless moments. So it is really important to change our perspective towards life. We have to stay positive and optimistic in every situation so that no storm can deem your spirit. Every bad situation will bring something good in your life. Your stance towards life will be more important in adverse situations. If you have cheerful approach towards every circumstances the dice will role on your side and you can overcome the demon of negativity, stress,worry and anxiety inside you.  It is important to water our life's plant with positivity so that it can blossom in every situation just like the lotus in the mud pond.