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Showing posts from September, 2020

Decisions become destiny

.            Photo by Ryoji Iwata on unsplash     Life is a jigsaw puzzle  which you have to complete with adding one- one piece of your choices and decisions.   If the one piece is incorrect then it will ruin whole puzzle just like that if the one choice is wrong then it will affect your life. If your one piece is wrongly placed then you desperately find it out that why it's wrong? You look for options to complete that puzzle. Just like that try to look for options rather than regretting on your decision. And trust me, there are always options available but we can't see them with our naked eyes because our eyes are only covered with apathy and despair.  Your destiny is not predetermined, you make your destiny with your decisions. So take in consideration pros and cons of your decisions. There are numerous doors open  it's upon us on which to knock on, so choose it appropriately. And if one door is wrong then don't be sad, one door open hundread other doors. Every deci