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Showing posts from June, 2023

Alchemy of Instincts

Life offers you things, but it also takes things away from you. You can’t have complete happiness in all of its facets. Your wants won’t all be fulfilled in this life. Your relationships could be messed up, as well as your employment, finances and possibly your academics. You can choose to be content with what you have if you so want. To express gratitude for your current circumstances, it’s crucial to recognize when you have what you need rather than constantly seeking after more.   You won’t always get your wish granted. It’s ok, just take your time, reflect on your situation, and you’ll realize that you are exactly where you wanted to be in the past. So, treasure that time. And always think positively since your subconscious mind constantly transforms your thoughts into your actions, so if you think well, nice things will happen. Additionally, always believe your instincts because they have more strength.   Your instincts will always help you make the appropriate