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Still Figuring It Out? It's Ok!

    In your 20s, it’s common to have a lot of plans and dreams for the future. As kids, many of us imagined to be a doctor, an astronaut or an engineer but in real we have landed up in something different. As we grow, our goals naturally evolve. Remember those times you thought you'd have everything figured out by 25? Maybe you have settled in a career, a partner, or a specific lifestyle. Yet here you are, possibly still navigating the twists and turns of adulthood. That’s perfectly ok! As we get old, our priorities shift. A bike that once seemed like the ultimate goal might now feel small compared to owning a car. Relationships, career paths, and dreams can all change too. Some years back you might be thinking about to get married to someone you love by the year of 25. But now your paths are different. Just because your friend owns a car or is getting married at the same age doesn’t mean you have to rush into those things too. What was once a timeline now becomes a journey a
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