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The hidden virtue of closed doors

In our information-saturated world, the urge to know everything can sometimes do more harm than good. There are moments when knowing less can actually protect our peace of mind and emotional well-being.

Information can empower, but it can also overwhelm. Diving deep into every detail of life's complexities can uncover truths that are hard to handle, leaving us feeling sad and helpless.

Simple examples in life- Consider finding out that your favourite food, which brings you joy and comfort is actually harmful.

Imagine delving into a close friend's deepest secrets, only to find out they have been hiding a painful past or a significant betrayal. This knowledge could irreparably damage your relationship and cause emotional complexities.

Picture a beautiful mountain range you love to visit. Discovering that the opposite side is barren.

"Some doors should be kept closed to avoid getting hurt."

There is wisdom in practicing selective ignorance. This doesn't mean shutting ourselves off from the world or avoiding necessary information. Instead, it involves being mindful of the types of information we seek out and consume. In essence, not knowing everything isn't a weakness; it's a strategy for maintaining a balanced, positive life. 


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