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"HOPE"- The lighthouse

 Photo by William Bout on unsplash
Whenever life is surrounded by different problems like natural calamities, lethal disease, heartbreak, loss of closed ones, failure, depression and your life is just messed up. At that time one thing you should never give up on is - HOPE. Wealth, fame, money all is mortal but hope is not! Hope is the foremost reason for survival.
Hope is the lighthouse which gives direction to the life's ship which is lost in Ocean of sorrows. Hope can bloom the flower in barren land. While travelling in arid desert hope will show you mirage.
Hope was imbibed from infancy on us. Initially we start crawling, then become ambitious to walk. To achieve that desire we try to walk, even though we're falling down, we get up again and try several times. Process of getting up is the hope. We don't loose hope and as a result we start walking and then running. The hope gives us happiness. If you want to rebuild yourself, hope is the main pillar.
 Hope for good, pray for better and your destiny will be best. If you have hope then it will become your courage and courage will definitely bring out miracles.
Nothing is permanent in life, your dark phase is also temporary so keep hope, strengthen your willpower. Remember Darling, that only at night you can see fireflies.


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