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"One day" or "Day One"

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco
 on unsplash

"One day" and "day one" words seem similar but after interchanging them whole meaning changes. 

We all have goals and dreams, to achieve them we make so many plans but, how many of us can really stick to that particular plan?
After some days that plan become piece of paper.  
The fact is that we all love to see mountain view but very few loves the journey to climb that mountain. We all aspire to be at highest position but very few of us start taking small steps immediately. 

"Life is a series of baby steps" - Hoda kotb

And it is very much important to not delay these steps. 

These small steps will definitely help you-  

Remove indolence

Photo by Elizabeth Lies on unsplash

There is nothing under the sun that you can't achieve. Run for your goal, if can't then walk, if you can't walk then crawl but the only rule to achieve success is to keep moving forward in all circumstances. All you need is little push.

Stop giving excuses to yourself

Photo by Ian Stauffer on unsplash

Laziness and fear of attempting any new results in excuses. Don't focus only on the difficulties in that work, but keep in mind because of this step you will get astonishing achievement in future. Remember that Every one of us gets attract to the lustrous diamond. Have you ever wondered reader, how is diamond which is just an another form of carbon is so lustrous and so graceful? This is because of the diamond's sequential cutting which makes it to look graceful, beautiful and attractive. That is why difficulties make us better person.

Don't fear to open new doors

Photo by Filip Kominik
 on unsplash

Our fear should not control us, we should control it and when we learn this, we will be successful. Don't fear to try something new because, new trials lead to innovations. If you want to accomplish your desire emerge from comfort zone to challenge zone. Comfort zone makes your growth stunted. When you live in the borders which you have drawn for you It will not help you to sprout out. But when you erase these borders you can flourish and you will definitely stand different.

Don't wait for right moment

Photo by Adrien Robert on unsplash

Whenever you start thinking to do something new, extra ordinary that moment only is the right time to bring your fantasies to reality. Start following your dreams right now because, tomorrow never comes and right moment doesn't exist. 


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