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"The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably deal with" - Tonny Robbins


Steps to deal with uncertainty 

  1. Accept 

Not everything is in our hand, we can't control everything and when we realise that we can't control that situation we tend to run from reality. Instead of that we should make ourselves strong for new challenges, treat challenge as opportunity to do something new. Stay calm to cope with that situation. 

"If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness, and creativity.”                                                                     - Eckhart Tolle

2.     Express 

When you try to run away from your emotions, you get trap deeper into them. Instead of running away from emotions, express them. Whether you want to cry, then cry as much you want to feel stress free, don't resist. Whether you feel anxiety, fear, self doubt then express. It's okay to express yourself, it will remove that burden and chaos in your head. By allowing yourself to feel even difficult emotions, you can gradually move through them. 

3.  Treat it as a "Temporary phase"

No matter what you're going through, this period will also pass. Although we don't know when that will happen, keep a hope that this phase will end, Our stress and anxiety will end. Hope will help you to rise and shine. 

Remember that, after scorching summer season, there is always pleasant drizzly rain .



  1. Very aptly explained. Thank-you for sharing your insights on Uncertainty and it will surely change our mindset related to that👏

    1. Thank you so much for encouraging me with your kind words ❤️


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