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Showing posts from July, 2020

Find eternity in every moment

Live in the moment Image by - Javier Allegue Barros On unsplash Living in the moment means to give 100% to the present activity and not worrying or stressing about future nor tangle in the past memories.  When you're not enjoying the present moment to the fullest, that time memories flashback in your mind and when you're not thinking in right direction, just making assumptions - not having base of reality , that time you start worrying about future.  Your thoughts are like vine, when you give a proper support to the vine it grows in right direction, just like that when you give a support of reality to your thoughts ,you think in right direction. If you don't give this support, your  mind will only float into imaginations and you will eventually lose the moment and at the next moment you will start regretting that. To stop this never ending cycle, the best option is to draw your all concentration to the present moment. “ Yesterday is history.

"One day" or "Day One"

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco  on unsplash "One day" and "day one" words seem similar but after interchanging them whole meaning changes.  We all have goals and dreams, to achieve them we make so many plans but, how many of us can really stick to that particular plan? After some days that plan become piece of paper.   The fact is that we all love to see mountain view but very few loves the journey to climb that mountain. We all aspire to be at highest position but very few of us start taking small steps immediately.  "Life is a series of baby steps" - Hoda kotb And it is very much important to not delay these steps.  These small steps will definitely help you-    Remove indolence Photo by Elizabeth Lies on unsplash There is nothing under the sun that you can't achieve. Run for your goal, if can't then walk, if you can't walk then crawl but the only rule to achieve success is to keep moving forward in all circumstances. All you need is little push. S